netstat -aon | findstr 8080
tasklist | findstr 88888
tasklist /f /PID 88888
function equalsObj(oldData: any, newData: any): boolean {
if (oldData === newData)
return true
if (isObject(oldData) && isObject(newData) && Object.keys(oldData).length === Object.keys(newData).length) {
for (const key in oldData) {
if (oldData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (!equalsObj(oldData[key], newData[key]))
return false
else if (isArray(oldData) && isArray(newData) && oldData.length === newData.length) {
for (let i = 0, length = oldData.length; i < length; i++) {
if (!equalsObj(oldData[i], newData[i]))
return false
else {
return false
return true
const arr1: (Record<string, any> | string)[] = [{ id: 1, name: '嘿嘿', go: 'xi', child: { id: 55 }, is: 2 }, 'hh']
const arr2: (Record<string, any> | string)[] = [{ id: 1, name: '嘿嘿', go: 'xi', child: { id: 55 }, is: 2 }, 'hh']
console.log(equalsObj(arr1, arr2))
console.log(equalsObj(JSON.stringify(arr1), JSON.stringify(arr2)))
export const isString = (arg: unknown): arg is string => typeof arg == 'string'
export const isArray = <T>(arg: unknown): arg is T[] => Array.isArray(arg) && typeof arg == 'object'
export const isNumber = (arg: unknown): arg is number => !Number.isNaN(Number(arg))
export const isFunction = (arg: unknown): arg is () => void => typeof arg === 'function'
export const isObject = (arg: unknown): arg is Record<any, any> => arg !== null && typeof arg === 'object'
export const isRegExp = (arg: unknown): arg is RegExp => Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object RegExp]'
export function isPromise<T = any>(arg: unknown): arg is Promise<T> {
return (
(isObject(arg) || isFunction(arg))
&& isFunction((arg as any).then)
&& isFunction((arg as any).catch)
'use strict'
export namespace UseModels {
type ModelParams<T extends ModelPathType> = typeof ALL_MODELS_PARAMS[T]
type ModelParamsKey<T extends ModelPathType> = keyof ModelParams<T>
type ModelParamsWithIndexSignature<T extends ModelPathType> = ModelParams<T> & {
[key: string]: AvailableValue
type FnKeepsakeKeyType<T extends ModelPathType> = ModelParamsKey<T>
type AvailableValue = number | string
type FetchReturnType<T extends ModelPathType, U extends ModelParamsKey<T> | ModelParamsKey<T>[] | [], SimpleType> =
U extends ModelParamsKey<T>[] | []
? { [P in (U extends [] ? ModelParamsKey<T>[] : U)[number]]: AvailableValue }
: SimpleType
type ModelObjectsKeyType = ModelParamsWithIndexSignature<ModelPathType>
type SubclassKeyType = typeof SUBCLASS[number]
type ReassignObjectReturnType = Record<keyof ModelObjectsKeyType, AvailableValue>
export declare namespace MultiCategoryScreening {
export type SelectionType = number | number[]
export interface SubclassArraysType {
key: SubclassKeyType
preselectionValues: SelectionType
alreadySelectValues: SelectionType
export interface ReturnType {
url: string
subclassArrays: SubclassArraysType[]
export interface TransferType {
id: number
subclass: SubclassKeyType
type: ModelPathType
maxLength: number
pathname: string
firstID?: number
keyword?: AvailableValue | null
export interface UtilsInterface {
joinObjectValues: (type: keyof typeof ModelPathType[keyof typeof ModelPathType], objects: Record<string, AvailableValue>) => string
customError: (message: string) => Error
routerArrayData: <T extends ModelPathType>(type: T, pathname: string) => [AvailableValue[] | [], number, number]
reassignObject: <T extends ModelPathType>(type: T, pathname: string) => ReassignObjectReturnType
toNumber(v: string): number
toNumber(v: string[]): AvailableValue[]
backToSimple(value: AvailableValue): AvailableValue
backToSimple(value: AvailableValue[]): AvailableValue[]
export interface ModelInterface {
multiCategoryScreening(parameter: MultiCategoryScreening.TransferType): MultiCategoryScreening.ReturnType
createModelListURL<T extends ModelPathType>(
type: T,
key?: FnKeepsakeKeyType<T>[] | FnKeepsakeKeyType<T>,
value?: number[] | string[] | AvailableValue[],
useTheCurrentPathToChange?: string | boolean
): string
type: ModelPathType,
key?: FnKeepsakeKeyType<ModelPathType> | string,
value?: AvailableValue,
useTheCurrentPathToChange?: string | boolean
): string
fetchModelParameterValue<T extends ModelPathType, U extends ModelParamsKey<T> | ModelParamsKey<T>[] | []>(
type: T,
parameter: U,
availablePath?: string | boolean
): FetchReturnType<T, U, AvailableValue>
export const SUBCLASS = ['cate_id', 'style', 'attribute1', 'attribute2', 'attribute3'] as const
export enum ModelPathType {
MODEL = 'models/model',
SU = 'models/su',
export const ALL_MODELS_PARAMS = {
[ModelPathType.MODEL]: { cate_pid: 0 },
[ModelPathType.SU]: { cate_pid: 0 },
abstract class Utils implements UtilsInterface {
toNumber(v: string): number
toNumber(v: string[]): AvailableValue[]
toNumber(v: string[] | string): number | AvailableValue[] {
return isNumber(v) ? Number(v) : this.backToSimple(v as string[])
joinObjectValues: UseModels.UtilsInterface['joinObjectValues'] = (type, objects) => {
for (const key in objects) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(objects, key))
objects[key] = objects[key].toString()
return `/${type}-${Object.values(objects).join('-')}.html`
customError: UseModels.UtilsInterface['customError'] = (message): Error => {
throw new Error(message)
backToSimple(value: AvailableValue): AvailableValue
backToSimple(value: AvailableValue[]): AvailableValue[]
backToSimple(value: AvailableValue | AvailableValue[]) {
const toNum = (v: AvailableValue) => isNumber(v) ? this.toNumber(String(v)) : v
return isArray(value) ? value.map(v => toNum(v)) : toNum(value)
routerArrayData: UseModels.UtilsInterface['routerArrayData'] = (type, pathname) => {
const routerArray = pathname.match(/([\d_]+(-[\d_]+)*)/g)?.join('')?.split('-') ?? []
return [
reassignObject: UseModels.UtilsInterface['reassignObject'] = (type, pathname) => {
const [routerArray] = this.routerArrayData(type, pathname)
const currentRouterResult: ReassignObjectReturnType = {}
Object.keys(ALL_MODELS_PARAMS[type]).forEach((key: keyof ModelObjectsKeyType, index) =>
currentRouterResult[key] = this.backToSimple(routerArray[index]),
return currentRouterResult
export class ModelFn extends Utils implements ModelInterface {
multiCategoryScreening: UseModels.ModelInterface['multiCategoryScreening'] = (parameter) => {
const [DEFAULT_ID, SELF] = [0 as const, new ModelFn()]
const { id, subclass, type, maxLength, firstID, pathname, keyword } = parameter
const currentRouterResult = this.reassignObject(type, pathname)
const delimiterConnect = (array: AvailableValue[]) => array.join(this.MULTI_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR)
const checkMulti: number | number[] = isString(this.backToSimple(currentRouterResult[subclass]))
? (currentRouterResult[subclass] as string).split(this.MULTI_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR).map(v => +v)
: this.backToSimple(currentRouterResult[subclass]) as number
const isMultiArrays = isArray(checkMulti)
const assignmentKeyword = keyword && String(keyword)?.trim() ? `?keyword=${String(keyword).trim()}` : ''
const clearZero = (array: number[]) => delimiterConnect(array.filter(v => v !== DEFAULT_ID))
const clearCategory = () => {
const optionalCategory: SubclassKeyType[] = ['cate_id']
const clearCategory: SubclassKeyType[] = ['style', 'attribute1', 'attribute2', 'attribute3']
if (optionalCategory.includes(subclass))
clearCategory.forEach(item => currentRouterResult[item] = DEFAULT_ID)
currentRouterResult.page = 1
if (isMultiArrays ? (firstID ? checkMulti.slice(1) : checkMulti).find(v => v === id) : checkMulti === id) {
currentRouterResult[subclass] = isMultiArrays
? firstID
? delimiterConnect([
isMultiArrays && checkMulti.filter(v => v !== firstID).length ? DEFAULT_ID : firstID,
...checkMulti.slice(1).filter(v => v !== id),
: delimiterConnect(checkMulti.filter(v => v !== id))
else {
if (id === DEFAULT_ID) {
currentRouterResult[subclass] = DEFAULT_ID
else if (isMultiArrays && checkMulti.length >= maxLength) {
const originalArray = firstID ? [firstID, ...checkMulti] : checkMulti
firstID ? originalArray.splice(1, originalArray.length - maxLength) : originalArray.shift()
currentRouterResult[subclass] = delimiterConnect([...originalArray, id])
else {
currentRouterResult[subclass] = firstID
? clearZero(isMultiArrays ? [firstID, ...checkMulti, id] : [firstID, checkMulti, id])
: clearZero(isMultiArrays ? [...checkMulti, id] : [checkMulti, id])
function* generateSubclassArray(): Generator<MultiCategoryScreening.SubclassArraysType, void> {
const [keys, originValues] = [
String(SELF.reassignObject(type, pathname)[subclass]).split(SELF.MULTI_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR),
do {
const key = <SubclassKeyType>keys.shift()
if (SUBCLASS.includes(key)) {
const routerResultArray = String(currentRouterResult[key]).split(SELF.MULTI_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR)
yield <MultiCategoryScreening.SubclassArraysType>{
routerResultArray.length > 1 ? SELF.toNumber(routerResultArray) : +currentRouterResult[key],
originValues.length > 1
? firstID ? SELF.toNumber(originValues).slice(1) : SELF.toNumber(originValues)
: +originValues.join(''),
} while (keys.length > 0)
return {
url: `/${type}-${Object.values(currentRouterResult).join('-')}.html${assignmentKeyword}`,
subclassArrays: [...generateSubclassArray.bind(this)()],
} as UseModels.MultiCategoryScreening.ReturnType
createModelListURL<T extends ModelPathType>(
type: T,
key?: FnKeepsakeKeyType<T>[] | FnKeepsakeKeyType<T>,
value?: number[] | string[] | AvailableValue[],
useTheCurrentPathToChange?: string | boolean
): string
type: ModelPathType,
key?: FnKeepsakeKeyType<ModelPathType> | string,
value?: AvailableValue,
useTheCurrentPathToChange?: string | boolean
): string
createModelListURL<T extends ModelPathType>(
type: T,
key?: FnKeepsakeKeyType<T> | FnKeepsakeKeyType<T>[] | string,
value?: AvailableValue | number[] | string[] | AvailableValue[],
useTheCurrentPathToChange: string | boolean = false,
): string {
if (key && !value)
this.customError('A value must be provided when a key is provided.')
if (!key)
return this.joinObjectValues(type, ALL_MODELS_PARAMS[type])
if (isArray(key) !== isArray(value))
this.customError('The type of key and value must be the same.')
if (isString(key) && !Object.keys(ALL_MODELS_PARAMS[type]).find(item => item == key))
this.customError(`"${key}" is not a valid parameter.`)
const pathname = isString(useTheCurrentPathToChange) ? useTheCurrentPathToChange : window.location.pathname
if (useTheCurrentPathToChange) {
if (!pathname.includes(`${type}-`)) {
this.customError(`"${pathname}" path does not match, needs to match at: ${type}-.`)
else {
const [, inputLength, fixedLength] = this.routerArrayData(type, pathname)
if (inputLength !== fixedLength)
this.customError(`Your route parameter length is ${inputLength}, the expected length is ${fixedLength}.`)
const currentParams = (
useTheCurrentPathToChange ? this.reassignObject(type, pathname) : ALL_MODELS_PARAMS[type]
) as ModelParamsWithIndexSignature<T>
if (isArray(key) && isArray(value)) {
key.length !== value.length && this.customError('The lengths of \'key\' and \'value\' arrays do not match.')
for (const index of key) {
if (index in currentParams)
(currentParams[index] as AvailableValue) = value[key.indexOf(index)]
else {
(currentParams[key as ModelParamsKey<T>] as AvailableValue) = value as AvailableValue
return this.joinObjectValues(type, currentParams)
fetchModelParameterValue<T extends ModelPathType, U extends ModelParamsKey<T> | ModelParamsKey<T>[] | []>(
type: T,
parameter: U,
availablePath: string | boolean = true,
): FetchReturnType<T, U, AvailableValue> {
const pathname = isString(availablePath) ? availablePath : window.location.pathname
const [routerArray, inputLength, fixedLength] = this.routerArrayData(type, pathname)
if (!pathname.includes(type) || inputLength !== fixedLength) {
? `The incoming path or the automatically obtained path does not contain "${type}"`
: `Your route parameter length is ${inputLength}, the expected length is ${fixedLength}.`
const mergeObjects = Object.keys(ALL_MODELS_PARAMS[type]).reduce(
(merged, key, index) => {
merged[key] = routerArray[index]
return merged
{} as { [key: string]: AvailableValue },
if (isArray(parameter)) {
let objects = {};
((!parameter.length ? Object.keys(ALL_MODELS_PARAMS[type]) : parameter) as string[]).forEach((item) => {
const eachItem = mergeObjects[item]
if (eachItem) {
objects = Object.assign(objects, {
[item]: this.backToSimple(eachItem),
return objects as FetchReturnType<T, U, never>
return this.backToSimple(mergeObjects[parameter as string]) as FetchReturnType<T, U, AvailableValue>